I get this question from my friends when I pitch the idea of a Blog “There are a lot of blogs available in the internet. Why another one ??” .

Comming from a small town in Southern India I learnt to program from a young age. I was learning GW BASIC for a good 6 years. That was from Standard 6 all the way till Standard 12. Back them computers were inducted into the schools as a curriculum. Where students had to remove their shoes and go next to a very costly machine .

A single continous beep would though the lab attendents and teacher out of their chair. They would rush to see if you had broken the machine.

Those were good old days os 80286 and XT-PC Systems.

Where the machines had a Big Red Toggle Buttons.

The purpose of this blog is to explain the evolution [from the time I know] to what it is today. The evolution is in all the fields from Software to Hardware to Infrastruture netwrking etc etc.

This is not for those “Gurus” of computing world. but for the yearing developers who want to know more and do more.